December 19, 2019

I won the title of Superbods Ageless Grand Winner 2018.
The competition was a 3 month process.
Everyone asks me what I did to prepare and reality is, nothing!

Although the competition took place this year, I’ve been working at this for 5 years.
Being healthy and fit has become my lifestyle but it wasn’t always so.

What people don’t know is that 5 years ago I was in a really rough place.
Divorced, Broke, broken, heartbroken and without my children. I needed to work on my healing.

I wanted to teach myself to heal as healthy as possible which meant to fall in love with myself first.

I didn’t want to need a man or relationship to feel complete, I didn’t want to use food as a consolation to my pain and I didn’t want to medicate my pain. I wanted to love being single and confident about who I was. It took a while but I eventually attained my goal.

We all try to avoid pain at all costs but it’s the pain that changes us into better versions of us. Little did I know that all that I went through is what made me a winner today.

If I didn’t work so hard on self-love first I wouldn’t have had the mindset, confidence that radiated on stage.

If didn’t go though such emotional turmoil that pushed me into fitness as a way to heal then I wouldn’t have had the physique that won me the fitness title.

If I didn’t go through the pain and heart ache and the healing process, I wouldn't have had the wisdom to share my winning answer.

Let my story give you hope that we can turn our most darkest moments into something victorious.


- Angel Jones

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